Opportunities in Emerging Market Currencies

Forex traders who wish to diversify their portfolio and take advantage of the opportunities for growth in emerging economies can find great opportunity with emerging market currencies. These currencies are susceptible to price movement; they are, in part, driven by factors like political stability or economic growth, supply and demand for commodities, and so on, while they offer the trader both risk and reward in each transaction!

Volatility is one of the lures of emerging market currencies. Unlike big currencies like the US dollar or euro, whose shifts are quite predictable, this kind of currency is usually too volatile. High volatility in currencies is a double edged sword. It is possible to earn high returns while trading currencies, but one will be vulnerable to greater risks. This works to the advantage of experienced traders, for it gives them a gold mine to make money from if they can be accurate at predicting how currencies will move and play their moves right.


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There are several things that cause for the value of these currencies. It’s also a function of economic growth, with countries experiencing rapid economies of scale often having currencies that strengthen. For instance, while India, Brazil and South Africa have grown rapidly in the last ten years, their currencies benefited from these economic changes. These countries draw investors and traders alike flock to them in their hunt for yields and this often influx of capital can cause currency appreciation. Therefore, those who are interested in making money off currency movements understand the relevance of economic indicators, as well as the trends in those economies.

The dynamics of emerging market currencies depend just as heavily on commodity prices as they do on the central banks and corporations’ decisions. Scores of developing countries act as exporters of oil, gold and other agricultural products. The currencies of these countries tend to strengthen when commodity prices go up as export revenues rise. Case in point are the Russian ruble or the Nigerian naira, totally dependent on global oil price. Monitoring the commodity markets gives traders a competitive edge in forecasting movements in these currencies, as well.

Another important factor cannot be neglected, political stability. Emerging markets are so tantalizing, they hold so much growth potential, but they can also be subject to political upheaval and currency devaluation. Trading in these markets forex requires learning the local politics and the possible risks from unpredictable governing or policy changes. Elections, policy shifts and geopolitical tensions are things traders need to be aware of when it comes to the value of the currencies they are involved in.

All of these factors, and the rise of digital currencies and financial technologies have meant that traders have access to emerging currencies through digital platforms. For many people across the globe access to Forex trading is becoming easier as more online trading platforms are available. The liquidity and efficiency in the currency markets have risen today, consequently increasing the ease with which traders can move in and out of positions.

In general, the currencies of emerging markets offer traders a chance to buy cheap money anxious to find a purpose. Traders should stay up to date with economic trends, commodity markets, and political issues since these can position them to take advantage of the extreme volatilities and growth potential these currencies have to offer. However, the fast moving world of Forex trading, coupled with the right strategy and knowledge yields great returns in the trading of emerging market currencies.

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Keshav is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TheTechJuice.
