HostingReport Review
You need to look up for a website hosting company sometimes. For people who work with website research; a website that provides the hosting report is indeed a necessity. Even a casual internet surfer might want to check out a website’s hosting service out of curiosity or suspicion. Whatever the reason might be, these services have a remarkable amount of demand. is a website that provides precise and detailed information on websites you want to inspect.
The service itself is free for use, there is no limitation or restriction for any given time period.
User Interface
The user interface is minimal at its best. The website is plain white, there’s just an address bar for website input and there are few buttons in bottom that shows the mostly searched websites. There’s only one button for legal information about the website, and that’s all. Even the most amateur user would be able to figure out how to use the service.
As of now, currently has a database containing 4.3 million websites’ information. The figure is increasing every day and every minute, and the service eventually gets better every moment. While inspecting a website, the following criteria are checked
- Physical location of the server and IP address range
- IDs of Google Analytics and sense; helps estimate financial value
- Page speed and rank for precise judgment of popularity.
- IP address range for DNS servers.
- Initial directories and descriptions of the website e.g. favicon, title and description.
Also, the search engine reports are judged very precisely. SEO is an important criterion and the following points are considered –
- Number of high quality and active backlinks.
- Availability of on-site SEO analysis like H1 & H2 tags, title tags, and meta information etc.
And following data on the domain criterion –
- When & where the domain had been registered.
- Owner of the website and their reputation.
- Domain uptime and expiration date.
During our tests, the website performed pretty well. However, there are still many websites missing from the database but the developer team is really putting everything together to make this service best in the crowd. Fingers crossed for their efforts and quality service!